
Essays written by students of Taranaki Taekwon-Do

Note: Some information about each essay may be missing, such as date submitted/published, TKD rank of author (at the time of submission), etc. If you have knowledge that can fill those gaps, please contact Master Livingstone or David Apimerika. Thank you.

Taekwon-Do Tul Histories

By Kane Raukura, VII Dan

15 April 2024

An introduction to our Patterns or Tul.

Dan Gun Book

By Kirsten Livingstone, VII Dan

15 April 2024

A long time ago, the kingdom of heaven was ruled by a person called 'Hwanin'...

Chang-Hon Taekwon-Do - A History

By Dale Copeland, VI Dan

1 October 2023

Prepared as a thesis for grading to 7th Dan

My Taekwon-Do Journey

By Darren Knight, 1st Gup

1 October 2023

Offered as a thesis towards testing to 1st Dan

The Science of Taekwon-Do

By Dale Copeland, V Dan

1 October 2020

Offered as a thesis for 6th Dan grading.

Taekwon-Do Theory & Dictionary

By Dale Copeland, IV Dan

1 January 2020

Originally offered as a thesis towards grading to 5th Dan

Taekwon-Do Patterns (Tul)

By Dale Copeland, III Dan

1 January 2019

Originally offered as a thesis towards grading to 4th Dan

Thoughts on Self Defence for Grading

By David Apimerika, III Dan

10 June 2017

Submitted for Grading to 4th Degree Black Belt

Dojang Rules

1 February 2016

Journey in Taranaki Taekwon-Do

By Cillian Mason

14 April 2015

Black Belt Essay

Balance and Stretch

By Frances Rookes, II Dan

1 January 2015

A Visual Guide to Warming Up - Stretching and Developing Balance within the taekwon-Do Training Schedule. Offered as a thesis towards testing to 2nd Dan


By Glenwyn Flynn

1 January 2011

Taekwon-Do Protocol (Dale Copeland)

By Dale Copeland, II Dan

1 January 2008

Offered as a thesis towards grading to 3rd Dan

Taekwon-do: Building Strong Foundations

By Frances Rookes, 1 Gup

1 November 2006

What Taekwon-Do Means To Me

1 January 2000

Black Belt Grading 10th August 2008

Taekwon-Do Protocol

1 January 2000

Sine Wave In ITF TKD

1 January 2000

What does the Tae in Taekwon-Do really mean?

By Alex Lovell, III Dan

1 January 2000

Offered as a Thesis toward IV Dan

10th Gup to 1st Dan - An abbreviated Study Guide

By Brayden Smith

1 January 2000

Offered as a thesis towards testing to 2nd Dan

Tenets of Tae Kwon Do

By Brent Flynn

1 January 2000

Taranaki Taekwon-Do Pocket Handbook technique syllabus

By Cameron Tippett

1 January 2000

10th Gup Syllabus

Taranaki Taekwon-Do Pocket Handbook technique syllabus

By Cameron Tippett

1 January 2000

9th Gup Syllabus

What Taekwon Do Means to Me

By Cath Tippett

1 January 2000


By David Apimerika, I Dan

1 January 2000

An Overview. Offered as a thesis towards testing to 2nd Dan

I fell, but Taranaki Taekwon-do is helping me up

By Georgia Irvine, II Dan

1 January 2000

Pattern Applications

By Glenwyn Flynn & Jay Dicker, III Dan & III Dan

1 January 2000

Visual guide for Various Taekwon-Do Gup Pattern Applications. Offered as thesis towards grading to IV Dan

The Biography of Neill Livingstone

By Jay Dicker

1 January 2000

My Interview with Mr Neill Livingstone!

My motivation

By Josh Livingstone, I Dan

1 January 2000

What motivates me to keep training and learning the art of Taekwon-Do

My Pregnancy and Taekwon-Do

By Kirsten Livingstone

1 January 2000

Females in Taekwon-Do

By Kirsten Livingstone, II Dan

1 January 2000

Growing old disgracefully!

By Kirsten Livingstone, III Dan Instructor

1 January 2000

From one black belt to another

By Murray Smith, I Dan

1 January 2000

Vital Spots: 10th to 1st Gup Techniques

By Neill Livingstone, V Dan Instructor

1 January 2000

Offered as a thesis towards testing to 6th Dan

Art vs Sport

By Neill Livingstone, IV Dan Instructor

1 January 2000

Benefits of Taranaki TKD

By Neill Livingstone, VII Dan

1 January 2000

The Tenets... What do they mean?

By Tod Rookes, 1 Gup

1 January 2000